Life Withbraces

Life Withbraces

Tips for living with braces For the best results possible, orthodontist recommends your child maintains excellent oral hygiene throughout treatment, follows instructions about their orthodontic dietary requirements.
It’s important to remember that your child can still enjoy their favourite sports and foods with braces, all it takes is a little pre planning.

Diet and Braces : After your child first gets their braces on (and after each adjustment appointment) it’s a good idea to have some braces-friendly meals ready to go at home. Foods to avoid, eat carefully and eat freely are outlined below:
Try to avoid!
Hard foods: candy canes, ice cubes, crusty bread, popcorn, biscuits
Sticky foods: sticky caramels, chewy sweets and toffees
Sugary foods: sweets, lollies and sugary drinks (particularly soda and sports/energy drinks).
Eat carefully!
Meats: Cut into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Nuts and crackers: While most nuts are best avoided, soaked almonds can usually be eaten safely. Small crackers and wafer chips with salsa make for delicious snacks!
Crunchy veggies: Raw veggies like carrots, and fruits such as apples should be cut up into small pieces and eaten with care.
Enjoy !
Dairy foods: cream cheese, custard, ice cream, yoghurt and milkshakes.
Soft grains: Soft breads, tortillas, muffins, pancakes, cooked pasta and rice.
Fruits and veggies: Soft cooked vegetables, mashed potatoes and steamed greens, as well as softer fruits including applesauce, bananas, berries and fruit juice.

Sports While your child is wearing braces they can still participate in their favourite sports, as long as they’re protecting their teeth with an orthodontic mouthguard. The orthodontist can advise what type of mouthguard is best for your child and when they should be wearing it, depending on what sports they play.