TIME for Orthodontic Treatment

TIME for Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic Treatment uses braces and other appliance to correct the alignment of the teeth and jaw. Properly aligned teeth and jaw are easier to clean which results in healthier dental hygiene.
In today's orthodontic treatment, there are various options to fit one's age and lifestyle.
Early Treatment- Give your child a head start on a great smile!!! Though an orthodontist can enhance a smile at any age, there is an optimal time period to begin treatment. Beginning treatment at this time ensures the greatest result and the least amount of time and expense. It is recommended that the initial orthodontic evaluation should occur at the first sign of orthodontic problems or no later than age seven. At this early age, orthodontic treatment may not be necessary, but vigilant examination can anticipate the most advantageous time to begin treatment.
Early evaluation provides both timely detection of problems and greater opportunity for more effective treatment. Prudent intervention guides growth and development, preventing serious problems later. When orthodontic intervention is not necessary, an orthodontist can carefully monitor growth and development and begin treatment when it is ideal.

Some of the most direct results of interceptive treatment are:
• Creating room for crowded, erupting teeth
• Creating facial symmetry through influencing jaw growth
• Reducing the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
• Preserving space for unerupted teeth
• Reducing the need for tooth removal
• Reducing treatment time with braces
Teen Treatment - Give your teen a great smile!!! Between the ages of 11 and 15 is the most common time for orthodontic treatment, and for good reasons. By 12, most if not all of the permanent teeth have erupted and are in place, and crooked teeth, gaps and bad bites can easily be detected. These problems will hardly ever correct themselves, so this is when most parents decide to seek orthodontic treatment.
This is also a good time for orthodontic treatment because many negative associations of braces are not present. Many children in this age range undergo orthodontic treatment, and children are very often able to be convinced to wear braces because they see their friends wearing them, too, and want to fit in.
Besides the benefits of fitting in with their friends, children at this age are growing rapidly, and orthodontists can usually take advantage of these growth spurts to help shape the bite and teeth correctly. And children at this age have high metabolisms, which can help shorten overall treatment time and reduce the discomfort of orthodontic treatment.
Adult Treatment - Imagine the smile you really want at any age!!! More and more adults today are seeking orthodontic treatment to improve their smile. In fact, about 25 percent of our patients are adults! We offer a full range of treatments specifically designed for adults – leaving you with a dramatically different smile and healthier bite.
Orthodontic treatment is not only designed to improve the appearance of your smile, but improve the health of your teeth and gums as well. By seeking orthodontic treatment as an adult you can possibly avoid severe tooth decay, gum and bone loss, irregular wear of the tooth enamel, and TMJ/TMD pain.
Often times, because adults usually are more compliant in their orthodontic treatment, their results turn out far greater than with a child and/or teen. By following the instructions provided by your orthodontist, you not only increase your chances for amazing results, but could also shorten your treatment time as well.
We offer a wide selection of braces to meet the individual needs and desires of each of our adult patients. From traditional metal braces, clear ceramic braces and lingual braces to clear aligners that can be worn to improve misaligned teeth, we are confident we can help you achieve and maintain the beautiful, healthy smile you've always dreamed about.
Don't ever feel it's too late to enhance your smile. We help you start your journey to receiving a beautiful, straight smile!