

Modern dentures offer outstanding aesthetics and function, and they aren't the same as the dentures of decades past. If you are missing teeth, it's never too late to restore a full smile.

Dentures Supported by Dental Implants
Today's advanced dentistry techniques provide more attractive, functional and effective restorations than ever before. By incorporating implant dentistry into your denture restoration, our dentists can provide you with a denture that performs optimally and looks great as well.

Although the advantages vary by patient, generally some of the benefits of implant-supported dentures are:
• Denture stays in place
• Denture does not slip when you eat, speak or laugh
• You can still remove the denture even though it is implant-supported
• Discomfort of dentures sliding on your gums is eliminated
• Dental implants promote the strength of the bone beneath your teeth

Choosing a Tooth Replacement That Works for You
Replacing missing teeth is important. Your oral health and your confidence in your smile are just two of the reasons you should replace missing teeth. Dentures, dental implants and dental bridges maintain the alignment of your bite and prevent other teeth from tilting and shifting into the missing tooth gap. And the way you feel about your smile can influence many aspects of your life, including your social and professional interactions. You deserve to feel great about your smile and to have long-lasting, effective dentistry options.